Bursary Fund
Your Household Employee has access to apply for a bursary for themselves, their children or grand-children through the VC Employee Assist Bursary Fund
We believe in using our expertise to do good, by helping Household Employees through our bursary program.
The VCEA Bursary Program aims to fund a Household Employee, their own child or grandchild with a study bursary at a university, college or high school.
Most Household employees do not have the financial means to study fulltime or part-time towards a first undergraduate degree or diploma at a South African public university or technical college.
Bursary funds for high school learners are also available. Household employees may also apply for funding for short courses at a training facility that are accredited at the Department of Education in South Africa or at a relevant SETA.
VCEA promotes the sustaining, advancing economic and social well-being of Household Employees and their immediate family members. We want to focus on improving the Household Employee’s and/or their
immediate family’s skills and education.
Required supporting documents
- Application Form (Available on the VCEA Portal
- Copy of the learner and the Household Employee’s South African Identity documents
- Proof of address
- Results for the last academic year.
- Affidavit of the Household Employee’s financial status.
- VCEA will inform the applicant if and when additional documents are required.
Criteria for selection
- We will only consider applications of Household Employees.
- Incomplete bursary applications will be rejected.
- Bursary applications will be screened and shortlisted according the qualifying criteria listed and mentioned above.
- All applicants will receive feedback about the outcome of their applications, after the recruitment process had been completed.
Criteria for selection
- We will only consider application of an employed Household Employee.
- Bursaries are only for the Household Employee, their own child or grandchild.
- South African Citizens.
- Proven financial need, as determined by the household income.
University Bursary criteria
- We will only consider applicants who have completed their grade 12 or senior certificate.
- You must obtain the following minimum academic results:
- An average of 65% in the year that you are applying for the bursary, i.e in grade 12 or at university level.
- An average of 65% for the required subjects aligned to the agree you are planning to study at the university.
- You must have obtained admission to a South African public university or university of technology for the undergraduate qualification you are planning to study.
Certificate Bursary criteria
- We will only consider applicants who have completed their grade 12 or senior certificate.
- You must have obtained the following minimum academic results:-
- An average of 65% in the year that you are applying for the bursary, i.e in grade 12 or at university level.
- An average of 65% for the required subjects aligned to the certificate you are planning to study at an accredited institution.
Short course / Skills training Bursary criteria
We will only consider applicants who have completed their grade 12 or senior certificate.
- You must have obtained the following minimum academic results:
• An average of 40% in the year that you are applying for the bursary in grade 12.
• The facility must be registered at the Department of Education.
High school Bursary criteria
Only for extracurricular activities that are not available at the school.
Board of Directors – Bursary Fund
(VC Employee Assist Bursary Fund Board of Directors are separate and independent from the VC Employee Assist Directorship)

DJ Rees

WAVJ Minnaar

A Moekwa

SM Kellerman